Friday, 25 October 2013

Methods of Psychology

There are various approaches to explain psychological phenomena . A number of psychological tools are used to get responses from individuals. The responses form the basic data which are analyzed to study behaviours , mental processes and experiences.
Psychological research methods

Biological Approach : It deals with the biological structure and phenomena . It studies the role of  different parts of brain in regulating feelings, emotions and behaviour. It also studies the impact of over secretion and under secretion of different kinds of hormones in behaviour.

Psychoanalytic Approach : It focuses on unconscious libidinal energy in describing the state of the individual. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalytic approach, studied minds in terms of hierarchical arrangements in in the forms of different layers of consciousness. His assumption was unconscious motivation triggers most of human behaviours.
J.B Watson , the father of behaviourism

 Humanistic Approach : It deals with concious experiences of the present situaltion , role of interpersonal experiences acreoss the course of life and people's  capacity to grow towards psychological maturity . Carl Rogers , the farther of humanistic approah, assumes taht a person is active and self-actualizing agent and has a choice in deciding his behaviour. As a part of self actualizing process a person seeks to congruence  between self and experience.

Behaviourist Approach : The unit of analysis is explicit, objective, and it's relationship with environmental  stimulation. J.B. Watson, the father of behaviourism, asserted that behaviour is governed by the association
between stimuli and response and the behaviour can be shaped in adesired direction by manipulating this association.

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