Monday 28 October 2013

Videos for Psychological Knowledge

Watch some educational psychological videos for your knowledge :

  What is positive Psychology? (Watch the video following)

What is the Psychology of Authority? (Watch the video following)

The Psychology of Human Misjudgement : (Watch the video following)

Friday 25 October 2013


We rember many things beacause of memory. Folk lore has existed for generations through Oral tradition . This has been made possible beacause of memory. Memory helps in building bridges between our experiences and gfives a sense of contunity.

Types of Human Memory
Memory is different from the learning process even as both are related closely. Learning means gaining new behaviours, while memory reffers to storing of information whicha can be retrieved when needed. memory is the mental process of recieving, encoding, modifying and retriving information. It is also called pretension. This retention can be measure through three basic method : recol, recognition and relearning.

Sensation and Perception

We have five sense organs - eye,ear,skin,nose and tongue- through which we get information . Survival and sensuality are two main function of our senses. Sense organs provide us information from which we derive a world of information .
The image shows the sensation and perception procedure

Sensation is a process by which a our senses gather information and send it to trhe brain. A lage amount of information is being sensed at any one time such as room temperature, brightness of the lights, someone talking, a distant train or the smell of perfume. information reaches the brain through the sensory system process infomation going out of the brain to muscles and glands are processed by the motor system process.

Perception involves both the recognition of environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli. Through the perpetual processes, we gain information about properties and elements of the environment. Perception involves the cognitive processes required to process information , such as reorganization are combined processes that do not act separately.

Individual Differences

Everybody is unique physicalloy and psychological. An individual's physical appearance, look, body complextion, eyes, ears, hair styles and other features are different from others.

A person may have white complexion and he may be tall and thin. Psychologically he may be talkative. He like sto mix with people. he may be friendly with others. His thinking and attitudes are different from others . this is called individual differences.
Differential Psychological Research

These differeces happen due to genetic and environmental factors. For this reason , we are not exactly like our parents and our parents not exactly like our grandparents. We share similarities in physical attributes like height, colour of eyes, shape of nose, etc. However, our ow characteristics develop mainly by the supporet from the environment which we inhabit. Environment refers to the kind of atmosphere at house, the type of education that we get , and what we learn from people, around us, books, cultural practices, peers, teachers and media all these help in developing our potentials , trades and skills

Psychological assessment means the use of  certain procedures for the evaluating abilities, qualities and behaviours of an individual.These assessment s can be erroneous many times.scientific psychology systematizes these procedures so that assesment can be made with minimum error and maximum. accuracy.   

Methods of Psychology

There are various approaches to explain psychological phenomena . A number of psychological tools are used to get responses from individuals. The responses form the basic data which are analyzed to study behaviours , mental processes and experiences.
Psychological research methods

Biological Approach : It deals with the biological structure and phenomena . It studies the role of  different parts of brain in regulating feelings, emotions and behaviour. It also studies the impact of over secretion and under secretion of different kinds of hormones in behaviour.

Psychoanalytic Approach : It focuses on unconscious libidinal energy in describing the state of the individual. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalytic approach, studied minds in terms of hierarchical arrangements in in the forms of different layers of consciousness. His assumption was unconscious motivation triggers most of human behaviours.
J.B Watson , the father of behaviourism

 Humanistic Approach : It deals with concious experiences of the present situaltion , role of interpersonal experiences acreoss the course of life and people's  capacity to grow towards psychological maturity . Carl Rogers , the farther of humanistic approah, assumes taht a person is active and self-actualizing agent and has a choice in deciding his behaviour. As a part of self actualizing process a person seeks to congruence  between self and experience.

Behaviourist Approach : The unit of analysis is explicit, objective, and it's relationship with environmental  stimulation. J.B. Watson, the father of behaviourism, asserted that behaviour is governed by the association
between stimuli and response and the behaviour can be shaped in adesired direction by manipulating this association.

Introduction to Psychology

Psychology can be defined as a systematic and scientific study of mental processes,behaviour and experiences. It covers the aspects of experiences,mental processes and behaviours. Such a study was there during Vedic and Upanishadic period in ancient India. In mordern time , it was introduced in 1916 when the Department of Psychology was set up at Calcutta University. In the western countries it was introduced as a dicipline in 1989 at the University of Leipzig in Germany
University of Leipzig in Germany

Psychology studies various human experiences including dream,concious experiences and experiences when the conciousness changed through meditation . It covers various mental processes such as learning , thinking and remembering. It covers a broad smiling, common responses pattern like talking to friends, verbal reports about feeling and internal states and complex behaviours like playing music and addressing people.

The different components of Psychology are:

Study of experience:  Psychology deals with various human experiences. It understands the personal world
One of the study of mental processes
of an individual after analyzing his various experiences. There are experiences of dream ,
consciousness, experiences when consciousness changes due to use of psychedelic drugs.

Study of Mental Processes : It deals with various mental processes such as perception , thinking,  learning and remembering . These processes are not psychological  and cannot be directly observed.

Study of behaviour : It studies a broad range of behaviours ranging from simple reflexses like smiling, talking to friends and complex behaviours like handling computers , playing music and adressing people.